The traditional handheld fireworks of Suruga Province which is still appreciated today as a symbol of the Japanese spirit.
材料を同じくする刀と花火、そして地元島田の刀鍛治の名工 義助への敬意とご縁への謝意を込めて命名しました。
鮮やかな鉄の金花を長時間楽しめる紗火「神威 金/銀」。
“Yoshisuke” is the special set of the traditional Japanese fireworks “Wabi” and fireworks highly rated abroad “Sabi.”
It is named after Yoshisuke, a renowned master of the Shimada Blacksmith Group, with respect and gratitude for our relationship with him; it is also a tribute to the affinity of swords and fireworks, which share the same materials.
The lights of the traditional Japanese atmosphere ——Wabi (Japanese fire) “Iki/Hana/Kiwami.”
Iron particles are transformed into golden flowers ——Sabi (silk gauze) “Kamui Gold/Silver.”
After years of trial and error here in Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture, a post town of Fifty-three Stations on the Tokaido highway in the Edo era, we reproduced the same fireworks which the travelers enjoyed in the past.
*Patents – patented and pending / *Trademark – pending

「神威 金」「神威 銀」
“Kamui (Dignity of God) Gold” “Kamui Silver”
These fireworks, made with iron powder, sparkle in the air to display sequences of golden flowers. You can enjoy the three-dimensional effect due to the round bulb attached to the stem of the fireworks.
*Although the paint on those fireworks is different, gold and silver, they are the same kind of fireworks made with identical gunpowder.

“Iki” (trendy)
The materials ignite in the air, and dazzling lights are displayed sequentially. The fireworks display seems like golden bells dancing around.

“Hana” (gorgeous)
When the materials, including charcoal, are ignited, orange and gold sparks are scattered around. Enjoy golden flowers blooming and their stems.

“Kiwami” (ultimate)
A unique mixture of gunpowder is used to create blinking gold sparks. Enjoy the expression of flashes which make brightness and darkness alternately.

Fireworks and sword in Shimada

金色の小鈴の花火や柳の火花が舞うように咲く、可愛らしさと情緒を兼ね備えた「粋/華/極」と、鮮やかな鉄の金花が長時間楽しめる「神威 金/銀」です。

In the Edo Period, Shimada-shuku, a post town of Fifty-three Stations on the Tokaido highway, was located on the left bank of a large river called the Ōi River, a center of industry and culture. Although the Ōi River was unruly, it did not bridge. As the poem below indicates, it was known as one of the most challenging post stations of the Fifty-three Stations on the Tokaido to pass through.
“Although horses can get over eight ri (31 km) of Hakone, the Ōi River is even harder to cross.”
Heavy rains would cause a rise in water levels, and people were banned from crossing the river. Shimada-shuku then bustled as if it were the city of Edo itself, with crowds of people on the way from Kyoto to Edo who had no choice but to stay in Shimada-shuku.
During the stay, travelers found some comfort in the fireworks created by stuffing thin stems of reed with “Wabizai” (materials for fireworks), such as saltpeter and sulfur, as well as local iron sand and charcoal made from the Japanese red pine trees found on the banks of the Ōi River.
Shimada was also a place where many renowned swordsmiths emerged between the Sengoku Period and the Edo Period.
Yoshisuke was a distinguished master blacksmith in the Shimada Blacksmith Group.
Yoshisuke the First was an enthusiastic swordsmith researcher, too. He was aware of the trends of the time and adopted first the Bizenden* style, then the Sousyuuden* style, and later, the Minoden* style.
We can see here a similarity between fireworks and swords since swordsmiths also had to prepare high-quality iron sand and charcoal made from Japanese red pine trees to produce the high temperature required for forging.
At the same time, guns, gunpowder, and fireworks for pleasure were imported from China.
There is a statement in one ancient document entitled “Records of Sunpu Government” that in 1613, a merchant from the dynasty of Ming in China visited Ieyasu Tokugawa in Suruga Province with an Englishman and displayed fireworks for Ieyasu Tokugawa inside the castle.
This record proves an accepted opinion that ”Ieyasu Tokugawa was the first person to have seen fireworks in Japan.”
The fireworks here motivated Teppo-gumi (the Gun Squad) to start producing fireworks in Suruga Province.
Time has passed, and we will move on to the modern “Yoshisuke.”
After years of trial and error, we have finally reproduced the same fireworks travelers enjoyed in the past here in Shimada, Shizuoka Prefecture, where fireworks have a strong relationship.
There are four kinds altogether - “Iki/Hana/Kiwami” fireworks that display small round golden bells and weeping willow trees that sparkle as if dancing in the air. With “Kamui Gold/Silver,” you can enjoy the brilliant golden flowers of iron powder.
We named these fireworks “Yoshisuke” as an integrated brand name in honor of the renowned swordsmith of the Shimada Blacksmith Group.
We named these fireworks “Yoshisuke” as an integrated brand name for the above four types of fireworks in honor of the renowned swordsmith of the Shimada Blacksmith Group.
While we respect the heritage of our ancestors’ wisdom and skill, fireworks’ colors and sparkling patterns are completed in a modern style.
Please take your time to appreciate “Yoshisuke” fully.
*Bizenden: Name of the method of tempering Japanese swords devised by the swordsmiths who appeared in Bizen Province (currently the Eastern part of Okayama Prefecture) and its surroundings. Bizen Province prospered as a region producing the best Japanese swords in the Heian and Muromachi eras. (*)
*Soshuden: Name of the method of tempering Japanese swords devised initially in Sagami Province (currently Kanagawa Prefecture) when establishing the Kamakura bakufu (a Japanese feudal government headed by a shogun).
*Minoden: Name of the method of tempering Japanese swords devised in Mino Province (currently Gifu Prefecture) in the period of the Northern and Southern Courts that suddenly flourished in the Age of Civil Wars.
*Tanren: Name of the forging process in which metal is struck and folded repeatedly to make a forged sheet.

Promotion movie
1. 「粋」(黒×シルバーの花火)
2. 「華」(黒の花火)
3. 「極」(黒×ゴールドの花火)
4. 「神威 金/銀」(丸いゴールドとシルバーの花火)
How the fireworks burn
The fireworks will be introduced in the following order:
1. “Iki” - black and silver fireworks
2. “Hana” - black fireworks
3. “Kiwami”- black and gold fireworks
4. “Kamui Gold/Silver” - Round silver and gold fireworks